Monday, September 5, 2011


Wow I haven't posted in a LONG time! But here are some pictures from our two week vacation to Oceanside California! (They are kind of in a random oder)

Going across the Coronodo Bridge

Haha my siblings found like 80 sand dollars

Cutest store!

Best Fried ice cream EVER!

Waterfall Braid

The boys not wanting to spend all day shopping for girl clothes

Cool decorations in Anthropologie

Picking Strawberries:) 

SanDiego Temple

This is my favorite one!

For my moms birthday we thought we could go to Down Town Disney without it killing us!
Well boy was I wrong! I was dying!

My mom and I were... Lets just say we really wanted to go to Disneyland!

This is the COOLEST place! If you ever are in San Diego go there it is awesome!

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