Friday, June 17, 2011

Youth Conference 2011!

The Manti Temple

ah. . priceless

Scripture Study

Libby doing the vertical playpin

Me doing the vertical playpin

Kin doing the Veritcal playpin

Manti Pagent 

Hahaha Oh Kj

Maddie and McKelle

Ben, Bailey, Kayla, and Kelly

Me, Libby, and Kin

haha eating McDonalds. Oh those runs were just joyous!:)

Playing Syciatrist at like one in the morning (don't mind my spelling:))
This was my first year at youth conference and I loved It! It was awesome!


  1. Awe! How I miss those days! Looks like you all had a blast! Welcome to the blogosphere :)

  2. This was way too fun! I love all you girls!

  3. Mckinnlei-Since your mom doesn't do a blog, I am so glad you have one. I can keep up to date on you guys more now. Youth Conference looked soo fun! I can't believe you are old enough to go. I know I always say that, but it's true. Kensie will be going before I turn around. See you guys soon. Love ya, Tiffany
    Here's our blog address:
